Components of the mobile phase are usually filtered to remove particles greater than 0.45 um.
互联网The composition of mobile phase , flow rate and column temperature were optimized to get better resolution.
考察了流动相组成 、 流速和柱温对分离度的影响.
互联网The sample is transported through the column by the mobile phase.
辞典例句The mobile phase is provided uninterruptedly and can be changed on - line by switching a ten - way valve.
利用十通阀的转换功能,能不间断地为系统提供流动相,而且可以实现流动相条件的 在线 改变.
互联网Bonded stationary phase filler carried by silicon gel applies to pH 2~8 mobile phase.
互联网The mobile phase was consisted of 10 mmol · L - 1 ammonium ace tate and methanol ( 25 ? 75 , v ? v ).
流动相:10mmol·L-1醋酸胺水溶液甲醇 ( 2575 ),流速:1ml·min-1.
互联网Vacuum filter holders are used for filtration of mobile phase of HPLC, particulate and microbiological contamination.
真空过滤装置主要应用于高效液相色谱流动相过滤 、 粒子物质分析和微生物污染检测.
互联网The optimum ratio betweoparticle ─ size, particle weight, and flou . rate of mobile phase were studied.
并研究了其最佳粒度比 、 重量比与流动相流速之间的最佳关系.
互联网Methods : The colum was C 18 . The mobile phase was methanol - 5 % acetic acid ( 4∶1 )
方法Waters高效 液相色谱仪C18分析柱;流动相:甲醇-5%冰乙酸 ( 4∶1 ).
互联网Method: The sample wsa diluted by mobile phase containing acid.
方法: 采用含酸的流动相稀释样品.
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